After facing anxiety, burnout, and depression, I felt hopeless and trapped in darkness. The weight of despair clouded my vision of escape. To find relief, I tried various therapies. Some helped, while others only gave temporary comfort. A good connection with the therapist was important, but that didn't always happen. Each attempt to find the right therapist felt both hopeful and discouraging. I often left sessions feeling unchanged. Just having a therapist present made me uneasy at times.

To express my feelings, I began drawing in small notebooks, putting images to my emotions. Although it didn't always make me feel better, it was a way to express and share my inner world and lessen its power over me. My psychologist encouraged me to create a comic about my fears. I thought my work looked terrible, feeling I had lost my artistic confidence, despite holding a master's in visual arts.
My life coach suggested I bundle these sketches in a little book which ended up being my colouring book “You are not alone”. She also suggested following a course in creative therapy, which I did but at that stage I wasn’t ready to put myself out there yet…
I began creating more art and sharing it at exhibitions and online. I also took on freelance illustrating for a non-profit magazine focused on mental health.

Throughout this time, I continued reading and taking courses to heal and move away from a dark period in my life. I realised that healing isn't a simple process; it requires time and understanding of my needs. Also working on yourself is kind of a full time job…
Although not every approach worked, each taught me more about myself. Over time, I found ways to emerge from the darkness, shining light on parts of my mind that were once hidden. This journey was slow and involved trial and error. Exploring spirituality helped me gain a new perspective, even if it’s not for everyone.

With this knowledge and experience, I wanted to help others find their way. I may not have all the answers, but I can assist others on their journeys.
If this resonates with you, feel free to reach out. We can talk and figure out how I can help, whether through guidance, inspiring conversations, or creative therapy.

Again recovery or a healing process is not a linear curve. It comes with ups and downs, sometimes bigger than others….

Physical sessions take place in Tervuren, Belgium or on location in Belgium.

I know my website is English but this is to reach a bigger audience. I can do sessions in Dutch or French too.

Click here to get in touch.

More drawings from my stormy diaries can be found here.
